英语悠选脱口秀 第90期:歌剧魅影(在线收听


  The key word in this movie is Phantom A phantom is a ghost.
  Phantom 幽灵
  The Phantom of the Opera is one of my all-time favorites(特别喜欢的).It is a 2004 British film.2004版的电影跟韦伯的音乐剧同名,也是根据法国作家勒鲁的同名歌德式爱情小说改编而成的。故事是这样的:In the year 1870, there was a theater(剧院) in Paris. An “Opera ghost” lives in the catacombs(地下墓穴) beneath the theatre. This mysterious phantom falls in love with a beautiful girl named Christine.他暗中教Christine唱歌,并帮助她获得了女主角的位置。
  He loves Christine. And he wants her to love him back. But Christine 却爱着另外一个男人。于是,因为爱,因为嫉妒,剧院里发生了谋杀等神秘事件。
  幽灵尝试把Christine带回自己地下宫殿。尝试用她爱的男人来威胁Christine。He told Christine that she must stay with him forever.这些全都于事无补,他还是没能得到Christine的爱。
  但在这个过程中,The phantom is shocked(震惊)to experience(经历) real human love for the first time in his life.孤独的幽灵渐渐发现自己对Christine的爱并不能让她幸福。
  Maybe in Christine’s mind, the ghost is just the “Angel of Music” who taught her how to sing.幽灵,默默的留下了面具和披风,然后消失在了地下宫殿中。
  时间到了1919年,Christine已经去世,她的丈夫在去给她扫墓时,He finds a red rose with a black ribbon(丝带) lying on the ground with Christine's engagement ring(订婚戒指) attached to it。The phantom still lives and still loves Christine.
  He had never felt real human love before.No one had shown him what love is or how to love.
  但最让人感动的是,即使没有得到Christine的爱。几十年过去后,The phantom 却还一心守护的Christine。用一种更加温暖,更加自由,更加宽容的方式。