英语悠选脱口秀 第91期:疯狂原始人(在线收听


  The film we are going to recommend to you today is “The Croods”
  The Croods 疯狂原始人
  这是一部喜剧动画,超级搞笑又有爱,很适合全家一起看哦。 And the key word in this film is Family F-A-M-I-L-Y.
  Here is an example from the film,
  My family has always survived by living by my dad’s one rule-Never Leave the Cave!
  Yes. The dad in this family asked all the family members to stay in the cave(山洞).And to make sure they listen to him, he tells a story over and over again.
  “Tonight we’ll hear the story of Crispy bear.今晚我们来听一个叫做Crispy的小熊的故事。A long time ago, this little bear was alive, because she listened to her father.很久很久以前,这个小熊因为很听爸爸的话,所以她是活着的。So she was happy.她曾经很开心。But Crispy had one terrible problem---she was filled with curiosity.但是,小熊crispy有一个严重的问题—她充满了好奇心。And one day, she saw something new and Died!于是又一天,她看见了一些新的事物,于是,她死了!”这个老爸的故事真是有够冷的。
  Anyway,The Croods (科鲁兹宜家) are the world's first family。老爸超级保守小心,女儿又充满了好奇心,想看看外面的世界。One day, their cave is suddenly destroyed(摧毁). “We never had the chance to explore the outside world, but what we didn’t know is that our world was about to change.”The caveman family must trek through(徒步穿越) an unfamiliar(不熟悉的) world with the help of an inventive(善于发明的) boy.在寻找新家的路上,科鲁兹一家看到了很多从来没见过的美景,经历了很多的新鲜事。And their outlook(人生观) is changed forever.
  所以,我们也要像The Croods一样。在新的一年里 不要把自己关在黑黑的洞穴中。勇敢的迎接新的挑战,才能看到更美的风景!Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is love - enjoy it.