历届美国总统简介: 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(在线收听

 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(英语:Franklin D.Roosevelt,1882年1月30日-1945年4月12日),史称“小罗斯福”,是美国第32任总统,美国历史上唯一连任超过两届(连任四届,病逝于第四届任期中)的总统,美国迄今为止在任时间最长的总统。罗斯福家族在美国大约有近300年的历史,美国第26任总统西奥多·罗斯福是富兰克林·罗斯福的堂叔。

在1930年代经济大萧条期间,罗斯福[1]  推行新政以提供失业救济与复苏经济,并成立众多机构来改革经济和银行体系,从经济危机的深渊中挽救了美国,他所发起的一些计划仍继续在国家的商贸中扮演重要角色。除此之外,在其任内设立的一些制度仍然保留至今。罗斯福曾促成了政党重组,他与其妻埃莉诺·罗斯福至今仍是美国现代自由主义的典范。
罗斯福曾多次被评为美国最佳总统[2]  美国的权威期刊《大西洋月刊》评为影响美国的100位人物第4名。
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, commonly known by his initials FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States. He was the only president elected to more than two terms, serving from 1933 to 1945. He was born in 1882 into one of the oldest families in New York State. He had a privileged upbringing and attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School. On St. Patrick's Day, 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt.
Following the example of his cousin, Roosevelt entered public service through politics. He won election to the New York Senate in 1910. President Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and he was the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 1920, at the tender age of 34. The Democrats lost the election. In 1921, he was diagnosed as having polio and was paralyzed from the waist down.
Roosevelt was elected President in November 1932, to the first of four terms. By March there were 13,000,000 unemployed, and almost every bank was closed. In his first "hundred days," he proposed a sweeping program called the “New Deal” to bring recovery to business and agriculture, relief to the unemployed and to those in danger of losing farms and homes.
By 1935 the nation’s economy was recovering and in 1936 FDR was re-elected by a huge margin. He tried to keep the U.S. out of WWII, but when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, America joined the war. As WWII drew to a close, Roosevelt's health deteriorated, and on April 12, 1945, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage. He is often ranked as one of the top three U.S. Presidents.