
詹姆斯·厄尔·卡特(James Earl Carter),习称吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter),1924年10月01日生于佐治亚州普兰斯。曾于1955年至1962年任佐治亚州萨姆特县学校董事会董事长,1962年至1966年任佐治亚州参议员。在此期间还先后担任过平原发展公司、萨姆特县发展公司总经理,佐治亚州中西部计划和发展委员会以及佐治亚州改进作物协会主席等职务。1974年任民主党全国委员会议员竞选委员会主席。1977年任美国第39任总统。1980年争取连任落选。1982年起在亚特兰大的埃默里大学任名誉教授。2002年获诺贝尔和平奖。

James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. was the 39th President of the United States. He served between 1977 and 1981. He was born in 1924, in Plains, Georgia on his father’s peanut farm. At school he was a gifted student and a basketball star. He graduated in 1946 from the U.S. Naval Academy and served for seven years as a naval officer. He turned his family’s peanut farming business into a commercial success.


In 1962, he entered state politics, and eight years later was elected Georgia Governor. He quickly attracted a lot of attention by emphasizing ecology, efficiency in government, and the removal of racial barriers in Georgia. Carter also became known for his outspoken opposition to the death penalty. Carter announced his candidacy for President in December 1974, the start of a two-year campaign.


Carter beat President Gerald R. Ford in the 1976 presidential race. As President, he worked hard to combat the continuing economic woes of inflation and unemployment. He increased jobs by nearly eight million and decreased the budget deficit, measured in percentage of the gross national product. He also dealt with an energy shortage and increased protected national parks by 103 million acres.


Carter was busy with his foreign policy. He helped bring peace between Egypt and Israel with the 1978 Camp David agreement, for which he later won the Nobel Prize. He also established full diplomatic relations with China and completed the negotiation of a nuclear limitation treaty with the Soviet Union. However, the Iran hostage crisis in 1980 and high inflation meant he lost the 1980 election.

