美联社新闻一分钟 2007-01-31(在线收听

1. A violent day in Iraq during the holiest day in the Shiite calendar. At least 44 people were killed in a wave of violence striking several cities. Gunmen ambushed this bus carrying pilgrims, killing at least 7.

2. Barbaro could be laid to rest at Churchill Downs, scene of his greatest triumph. Officials there say they'd be honored if the horse was buried in the garden joining four other Kentucky Derby winners. Barbaro was euthanized Monday after an array of complications.

3. In Miami, preparations are being made for a safe Super Bowl. Fans can expect airport type security with mandatory pat-downs. Authorities say they have planed, prepared and practised for almost every situation.

4. How's this for a hybrid? It clucks like a hen, has the head of a rooster and walks on duck legs. Parkle is likely the result of a mutation during gestation. A veterinarian says it's impossible for a chicken and a duck to mate.




1. euthanize : PHR
To kill someone who is very ill and will never get better in order to end their suffering, usually done at their request or with their consent.

2. pat : VERB
If you pat something or someone, you tap them lightly, usually with your hand held flat.

3. hybrid : N-COUNT
A hybrid is an animal or plant that has been bred from two different species of animal or plant.

4. cluck : VERB
When a hen clucks, it makes short, low noises.

5. gestation : N-UNCOUNT
Gestation is the process in which babies grow inside their mother's body before they are born.

6. veterinarian : N-COUNT
A veterinarian is a person who is qualified to treat sick or injured animals.
