美联社新闻一分钟 2007-02-07(在线收听

1. A judge in Orlando has ordered a 43-year-old NASA astronaut involved in a love triangle released on bond despite a charge of attempted first-degree murder. Lisa Nowak must have no contact with the alleged victim and must wear a tracking device on her ankle.

2. Fast-moving flames trapped a dozen people today inside this Kentucky home. Ten people were killed, six of them kids. Neighbors say two survivors had to be restrained from running back at the flames for the screaming victims.

3. A cold snap continues to grip much of the Northeast and upper Mid-west with temperatures well below freezing in some areas. Thousands of youngsters were ordered to stay home for a second day.

4. And toymaker Hasbro is recalling just under a million Easy-Bake Ovens sold since May of last year. The company says it's gotten reports of kids getting their hands caught in the opening door of the oven.



1. restrain: verb
If you restrain someone, you stop the from doing what they intended to do, usually by using your physical strength.

2. cold snap: n-count
A cold snap is a short period of cold and icy weather.
