
   And inevitably in their own way ask this question: Was that okay? I heard it from President Bush.

  I heard it from President Obama. I've heard it from heroes and from housewives. I've heard it from victims and perpetrators of crimes. I even heard it from Beyoncé in all of her Beyoncé-ness!
  奥巴马总统也曾这样说过包括英雄人物和家庭主妇受害者与罪犯 甚至碧昂斯的表演也需要得到这样的认可
  She finishes performing, hands me the microphone and says: Was that okay? Friends and family, yours, enemies, strangers in every argument.
  访谈结束后 她把麦克风交给我 对我说:我表现得还可以吧?你们的亲友 敌人 陌生人 在每次争论时
  In every encounter, every exchange, I will tell you, they all want to know one thing: Was that okay?
  Did you hear me? Do you see me? Did what I say mean anything to you? And even though this is a college where Facebook was born.
  你是否在听我说话? 是否在关注我?我的话对你而言是否有意义?尽管Facebook在这里诞生
  My hope is that you would try to go out and have more face-to-face conversations with people you may disagree with.
  That you all have the courage to look them in the eye, and hear their point of view, and help make sure the speed and distance and anonymity of our world.
  你们要有勇气注视着他们的眼睛倾听他们的见解确保我们世界的速度感 距离感以及无名感
  Doesn't cause us to lose use our ability to stand in somebody else's shoes, and recognize all that we share as a people. This is imperative for you, as an individual.