留美老师带你每日说英文 第563期:放松身心减轻压力的方法(在线收听


  When stressed, you might feel the need to tackle everything on your to-do-list all at once - but that sets you up for burnout and failure. Instead, find a simple routine tasks to complete at home like doing the dishes or vacuuming. Studies show that completing a repetitive task allows your brain to pare down and focus.
  1.stressed 有压力的
  stressed (adj.) 有压力的
  stressful (adj.) 紧张的
  2.tackle 滑车
  tackle (n.) 滑车
  taco (n.) 炸玉米饼
  3.burnout 烧坏
  burnout (n.) 烧坏
  burn down (v.) 烧掉
  4.failure 失败
  failure (n.) 失败
  fail (n.) 不及格
  lure (n.) 诱惑物
  5.vacuum 真空
  vacuum (n.) 真空
  6.repetitive 反复的
  repetitive (adj.) 反复的
  repeat (v.) 重做
  7.pare 削
  pare (v.) 削
  prepare (v.) 准备