Just Do It英文演讲稿 想做就做(在线收听

   Just do it类似于 go for it;耐克这句广告语是广告中的经典,既简单清楚又很口语,而且从不同人的角度都会有不同的意思。从消费者的角度,意思是:我只选择它;就用这个。从商人的角度是:来试试。而将这句话用在日常的生活中就有了更丰富的含义,这要看语境而定。可以理解为:想做就做;坚持不懈等等。

  Ladies and gentlemen:
  Please listen carefully.
  I’ve got a message for you.
  Just do it.
  Don’t wait to be asked.
  Do what needs to be done.
  You’ve seen it everywhere.
  You’ve heard it one hundred times.
  Of course, it’s the Nike slogan.
  This is a great motto.
  It’s a super philosophy.
  Make it your way of life.
  Learn this mindset today.
  Put it into practice.
  Live by it forever.
  Begin now.
  Look around this room.
  What would you change if you could?
  Always think this way.
  Look around and say:
  What can I do to improve?
  Every task is test.
  Every job is a chance.
  Improve, improve, improve.
  Go the extra mile.
  Go the extra distance.
  Be a “just do it” person.
  Outwork everybody.
  Be an overachiever.
  Do more than is expected.
  Achieve more.
  Learn more.
  Create more opportunities.
  Take charge.
  Take control.
  You have what it takes.
  Work like the devil.
  It won’t kill you.
  It will make you stronger.
  Be a go-getter.
  Seize the initiative.
  Be a mover and shaker.
  Start with small things.
  Help people in need.
  Jump in and lend a hand.
  On seeing some litter, pick it up.
  On seeing a crowd at a door, hold it open.
  On a crowded bus, give up your seat.
  Say to yourself:
  It needs to be done.
  I can do it.
  I am the one to do it.
  There you have it.
  Get started now.
  Good day. Good luck. Just do it.