
   But all of you should think you can change the world Because you can.

  但所有人都应该坚信 你们能改变世界因为你们有能力
  Your generation has the blessing of timing, and you know what they say timing is everything.
  你们这一代人获得了时机的青睐 有人说时机就是一切
  Excuse me We live in a global community today.
  One that offers tremendous opportunities We can connect and communicate instantaneously with each other all over the world.
  这个世界提供了大量的机会不管在世界什么地方 人和人之间都能够即时通信
  We know more about each other than at any time in history That knowledge can also bring conflict .
  比起人类历史以往任何时候 人之间的相互了解都更多了这种接触可能会导致冲突
  Between cultures, religions, even generations And these will become bigger and bigger issues.
  出现在不同文化 不同宗教 甚至不同代人之间如果我们不认识到世界只有一个
  If we don't all understand that we only have one world There really isn't anywhere else to go.
  这个问题将变得越来越严重要知道 我们没有别的地方可去
  Life on earth is our only option, and it's a good one But we need to adapt and change.
  生活在地球上是我们的唯一选择 这个选择也很棒但我们需要适应和改变
  Environmentally, economically, and even socially if we're going to keep it viable.
  环境上 经济上 社会上都是如此这样我们才能立足
  Our world needs to evolve and you are the people who will lead the evolution.
  Your generation is moving and creating expectations and solutions at an increasingly accelerated speed.
  Don't let up on that Get involved, form an opinion, and make a difference.
  不要放松投身其中 提出见解 变革世界
  You can, and I would challenge all of you you must for all of our sakes, whatever the pursuit.
  你们可以的 我向你们所有人提出挑战你们也必须这样 不管你们追求的是什么