
   Throughout American history though, they have lost that bet and I believe they will this time as well.

  But ultimately Class of 2012, that will depend on you Don't wait for the person next to you.
  可是说到底2012届的同学们 这将取决于你们不要等待你身旁的人
  To be the first to speak up for what's right Because maybe, just maybe they're waiting on you.
  第一个为正义发言因为有可能 只是有此可能他们正在等你带头
  Which brings me to my second piece of advice Never underestimate the power of your example The very fact that you are graduating.
  Let alone that more women now graduate from college than men is only possible because earlier generations of women your mothers, your grandmothers, your aunts.
  且不说目前大学毕业的女生人数超过男生都是因为前辈女性你们的母亲 祖母 姨婶
  Shattered the myth that you couldn't or shouldn't be where you are I think of a friend of mine who's the daughter of immigrants When she was in high school, her guidance counselor told her.
  打破了你不能或者不应当身在此处的谎言我想起一位朋友 她是移民的女儿念中学时 她的指导老师告诉她
  You know what, you're just not college material You should think about becoming a secretary Well, she was stubborn, so she went to college anyway.
  你不是念大学的材料你应当考虑去当秘书她很固执 所以还是念了大学
  She got her master's She ran for local office, won She ran for state office, she won.
  进而拿到硕士学位她竞选地方公职 结果胜选她竞选州政府公职 再度胜选
  She ran for Congress, she won And lo and behold Hilda Solis did end up becoming a secretary.
  她竞选国会议员 又是胜选请听好了希尔达.索利斯最终的确成为一名秘书