美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-9-28(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. Police say a disgruntled lawyer randomly shot drivers in a Houston neighborhood, hitting six before he was shot and killed. Authorities say that another three people had injuries from glass debris. The suspect has not yet been identified. 

2. Authorities say the suspect in the deadly Washington Mall shooting has confessed. According to the court documents release, Arcan Cetin told police that he bought a rifle into Macy's,  shot all fix victims. Cetin made appearance on in a court on Monday. 

3. Preparations are underway ahead of Monday night's first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Demonstrators are expected but police are keeping them at distance from the debate hall. Officials say contingency plans are in place in the event of massive arrest. 

4. And after ongoing problems with this elevator, the Washington monument will be closed indefinitely to visitors. The national parts service says the $3 million elevator modernization can take up night month once work begins. 

Emily Roseman, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
