
   My hat is off to you To all the parents.

  我向你们脱帽致敬 对于所有家长
  I offer you special congratulations today Not only.
  我今天特别祝贺你们 并不只是因为
  Have your sons and daughters completed an education at what my daughter and my granddaughter and my son.
  你们的子女在宾大完成了学业 我女儿 孙女 儿子都说宾大是
  both say is the finest university in America I'm not sure how my son who went to Yale feels about that but.
  全美最优秀的大学 我不知道我读耶鲁的儿子会怎么看
  I happen to agree with my other son Ladies and gentlemen, parents.
  不过我同意我另一个儿子的看法 女士们 先生们 家长们
  You're also about to get a pay raise unless your child is going on to graduate school.
  你们还将增加收入 除非子女是继续读研
  As I indicated, two of my children have graduated from this great university and my granddaughter who is here with me today.
  我说过 我有两个孩子都毕业于这所伟大的大学 而我孙女今天也坐在这里
  Just finished her first year and survived pledging at Penn.
  她刚读完了第一年 并完成了在宾大的宣誓
  So your pride is justified Not only because it took an awful lot of hard work for all of you to get to this day.
  你们有理由自豪 不仅仅是因为 你们为了今天 付出过大量的努力
  I promise you all of you graduates, it's worth it I read the headlines today on the way up.
  我像所有毕业生保证 这是值得的 来这里的路上 我读了报纸头条
  The Associated Press has said "Biden to Offer Advice to Penn Graduates" I have gained too much wisdom to offer any advice.
  美联社说 "拜登将赴宾大为毕业生提忠告" 我哪有什么智慧 为你们提忠告
  I've been around too long to know that's not useful But I would like to make a couple of observations.
  我活了这么久 知道忠告一般都没什么用 不过 我会给出一些观察结论