
模仿文本: Earlier in the week, journalists at the airport in Moscow boarded the plane that they believed would be carrying Mr Snowden to Cuba. The plane took off with the journalists on board, but without Mr Snowden. And for the rest of the week, reporters scout the airport, trying to find the elusive whistleblower with no success. 
译文: 本周早些时候,守候在莫斯科机场的记者们登上了一架飞机,他们相信斯诺登也将搭乘该航班飞往古巴。记者们随飞机起飞,但却没发现斯诺登。而本周其余几天里,记者们在机场搜索,试图找到这位行踪诡秘的爆料者,均无功而返。 