【英音模仿秀】轻装素行宿荒芜 简餐易食享人生(在线收听

模仿文本: Horace Kephart was the dean of American campers. He was a small, intelligent and honest man with one deep brown eye and one blue. His reputation rests on his compendium Camping and Woodcraft, which is from 1906. He was one of the most knowledgeable people about firearms in the early years the 20th century but as much as his friends liked to go off and shoot the bears in the woods, he really liked to stay back and cook in camp.
译文: 贺拉斯·凯普哈特是美国野营者中的元老级人物。他不太高,但很聪明,又很坦率,一只眼睛深棕色,另一只蓝色。他的野营声誉主要来自他的一本《野营与木工》,出版于1906年。他还是20世纪早期的火器专家之一,但是尽管他的朋友们喜欢去林子里猎熊,他更愿意留在营地做饭。