
模仿文本:His new picture, In the House, is a work of comparative restraint, a black comedy of sorts about a school teacher who cultivates the literary talents of a young student, the student working on an autobiographical story about a cruel opportunistic friendship, with a classmate. The film critic Ginette Vincendeauff has seen the film and he is with me now.
译文:相比而言,欧容的新片《登堂入室》(In the House)在风格上稍微有所收敛。在这部黑色喜剧中,一名学生在自传里写自己如何利用友情伤害他人,但老师看了之后却被他的才华吸引,决定要好好栽培他。电影评论家吉内特·文森图观看了这部影片,他现在在我们的演播室。