
模仿文本:Yes, that was the moment last month that 15 tonnes of meteorite exploded over eastern Russia. The people of Chelyabinsk were understandably in shock as windows across the city smashed causing hundreds of injuries. It also sparked something of a treasure hunt since then, as local collectors scour for fragments of the biggest meteorite to hit our planet in more than a century. 
译文: 没错,这就是上个月15公吨重的陨石坠落到俄罗斯东部后的现场。车里雅宾斯克的人们惊慌失措是原因的,陨石将城市中的窗户砸得粉碎,导致数百人受伤。之后,还引发了一场寻宝。当地的收藏爱好者们争相搜集这一个多世纪以来坠落到地球最大的陨石的碎片。