
Britain Invests Billions in Cybersecurity in Face of Russian Threat 英国投资数十亿资金应对俄罗斯在网络安全方面的威胁


Britain says it will spend more than $2 billion on cybersecurity and recruit 1,000 more intelligence officers as the country’s intelligence services warn of increasingly aggressive espionage tactics by Moscow, a charge the Kremlin denies.

The $2.3 billion investment is aimed at countering emerging threats to national security. British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, said this week that key infrastructure, such as air traffic control systems and electricity grids, could be targeted by what he called "hostile foreign actors".


“It is our duty to demonstrate that they cannot act with impunity. So we will not only defend ourselves in cyberspace, we will strike back in kind when we are attacked.”


Hammond did not mention Russia by name.But writing in the Guardian newspaper the same day,the head of Britain’s domestic intelligence service known as MI5 accused Moscow of increasingly aggressive cyber attacks, espionage, propaganda and subversion.


“I think that in MI5 for a very long time they were very consumed with counterterrorism.This has been the absolute No. 1 priority.And it’s taking them a bit of time to get tooled up again to dealing with the threat from Russia.”


Those tools can defend but also act as a deterrent, argues John Lough of policy institute Chatham House.


“The challenge for Western countries is to show, if you like,a degree of resolve for dealing with Russia, showing the instruments they have available,showing how in fact those can be sharpened if needed if things were to get worse,for example, in Ukraine or elsewhere on the periphery.”


Critics like Edward Lucas of the Economist say Britain and the West lack a cohesive policy to counter the Russian threat.


“We need a joined-up response to Putin’s joined-up threat which links money, propaganda, espionage, the use of energy, or subversion, military saber-rattling, all these things.But certainly one of the weakest links is the bankers, lawyers and accountants in the West who help the Russian elite dispose their money in our big financial centers.They should be facing prosecution and extradition to the United States in those prospects of long prison terms.”


Much of that Russian money passes through banks in London.Lucas, a veteran Moscow correspondent argues this trade must be tackled simultaneously as Britain fends off cyber attacks.

