
模仿文本: It's the 150th anniversary of the birth of Swami Vivekananda, the Hindu monk who brought yoga and meditation to the west, giving the first gentle push to what became a multi-million dollar global industry. Although his name isn't well-known these days, his anniversary is being celebrated by devotees around the world, as Emily Buchanan has been finding out. 
译文: 现在是印度僧人Swami Vivekananda150岁的生日,正是他将瑜伽和冥想带到了西方世界,而且只是信手一推,就让它成为了风靡全世界的百万美元产业。尽管时至今日,他的名字仍不为人熟知,但正如Emily Buchanan看到的那样,全世界的拥趸们都在庆祝着他的生日。 