
In 1993, US forces were part of a United Nations mission to end the civil war and humanitarian crisis in Somalia. But in October, an operation by elite American troops in Mogadishu met fierce resistance. It was made famous by the film Black Hawk Down, and would have a lasting impact on US foreign policy. Alex Last reports. 

译文: 1993年,美军参加了一项联合国行动,旨在结束索马里的内战和人道主义危机。但是在十月,一项由美军精英部队在摩加迪沙执行的行动遭遇了激烈抵抗,基于该事件改编的电影《黑鹰坠落》使之更加出名,它在美国外交政策上产生的影响也颇为深远。请听艾利克斯·拉斯特的报道。 


