
   Originally these graves had been dug into the rocks of the western mountains

  but as the Egyptians moved northward they were obliged to build their cemeteries in the desert.
  随着埃及人向北 迁移,他们不得不在沙漠里为死者建造坟墓。
  The desert however is full of wild animals and equally wild robbers
  and they broke into the graves and disturbed the mummy or stole the jewelry that had been buried with the body.
  To prevent such unholy desecration the Egyptians used to build small mounds of stones on top of the graves.
  These little mounds gradually grew in size,
  because the rich people built higher mounds than the poor and there was a good deal of competition to see who could make the highest hill of stones.
  The record was made by King Khufu, whom the Greeks called Cheops and who lived thirty centuries before our era.
  His mound, which the Greeks called a pyramid (because the Egyptian word for high was pir-em-us) was over five hundred feet high.
  他的皇陵被希腊人称为金字塔(在古埃及文里,“高”为pir- ern-us),高达500多英尺。
  It covered more than thirteen acres of desert which is three times as much space as that occupied by the church of St. Peter, the largest edifice of the Christian world.
  During twenty years, over a hundred thousand men were busy carrying the necessary stones from the other side of the river-ferrying them across the Nile
  在 20多年的漫长时间里, 10余万奴隶马不停蹄地从尼罗河对岸搬运石材,将其运过河
  (how they ever managed to do this, we do not understand), dragging them in many instances a long distance across the desert and finally hoisting them into their correct position.
  But so well did the King's architects and engineers perform their task
  that the narrow passage-way which leads to the royal tomb in the heart of the stone monster has never yet been pushed out of shape by the weight of those thousands of tons of stone which press upon it from all sides.