
   Chapter 12

  The Aegean sea
  The people of the Aegean Sea Carried the Civilisation of old Asia into the wilderness of Europe
  When Heinrich Schliemann was a little boy his father told him the story of Troy. He liked that story better than anything else he had ever heard and he made up his mind, that as soon as he was big enough to leave home, he would travel to Greece and "find Troy." That he was the son of a poor country parson in a Mecklenburg village did not bother him. He knew that he would need money but he decided to gather a fortune first and do the digging afterwards. As a matter of fact, he managed to get a large fortune within a very short time, and as soon as he had enough money to equip an expedition, he went to the northwest corner of Asia Minor, where he supposed that Troy had been situated.
  In that particular nook of old Asia Minor, stood a high mound covered with grainfields. According to tradition it had been the home of Priamus the king of Troy. Schliemann, whose enthusiasm was somewhat greater than his knowledge, wasted no time in preliminary explorations. At once he began to dig. And he dug with such zeal and such speed that his trench went straight through the heart of the city for which he was looking and carried him to the ruins of another buried town which was at least a thousand years older than the Troy of which Homer had written.
  在小亚细亚的那块角落里,坐落着一座长满谷物的高丘。据当地的传说,普里阿摩斯王的特洛伊城便埋藏在下面。此时,谢尔曼高涨的情绪超越了他的考古知识,他马上着手挖掘。其热情之高,挖掘速度之快,使他与自己梦寐以求的城市失之交 臂。他的壕沟径直穿越了特洛伊城的中心,将他带到了深埋地下的另一座城市的废墟。这座城市比荷马描写的特洛伊城至少要古老1000年。