世界名人简介 第154期: 乌戈·查韦斯(在线收听

   Hugo Chavez served as President of Venezuela from 1998 until 2013.He was very popular in his country and was re-elected twice.His policies focused on helping the poor in his country.He used the nation's oil wealth to fight poverty and illiteracy.He was strongly in favour ofLatin American integration and was a fierce opponent of the USA.

  Chavez was born in 1954 in a mud hut.Both of his parents were school teachers but his family was very poor.He was sent to live with his grandmother in the big city so he could go to school. When he was 17, he enrolled at the Venezuelan Academy of Military Sciences.He graduated in 1975 with a degree in Military Arts and Science.Chavez's military career lasted 17 years, during which he held several teaching positions.He was a very passionate teacher and frequently criticized Venezuela's government.He developed a political belief called "Bolivarianism", which was influenced by the thought of the Venezuelan revolutionary Simon Bolivar, andKarl Marx.This shaped his later ideas about helping the people of Venezuela.In 1992, Chavez attempted a coup to take control of Caracas.He failed but was elevated as a national hero.In 1998 he won the presidential election with 56% of the votes.He introduced major social reforms and nationalized many industries.He also gave land back to Venezuela's poor and introduced free health care and education.He died from respiratory problems on March 6th, 2013, aged 58.Chavez remains a popular figure throughout South America.
  查韦斯1954年出生在一个小泥屋。父母都是老师,但家里很穷。查韦斯被送到大城市和祖母一起居住,这样他才能上学。查韦斯17岁时进入委内瑞拉军事学院学习。1975年毕业,获得了军事艺术和科学专业的硕士学位。查韦斯的军旅生涯持续了17年,此间几次担任指导员一职。查韦斯是一位非常有激情的老师,经常批判委内瑞拉政府。查韦斯受西蒙·玻利瓦尔革命和马克思主义的影响形成了“玻利瓦尔主义”的政治信仰。“玻利瓦尔主义”塑造了查韦斯后来的思想——解救委内瑞拉人民于水火之中。1992年,查韦斯试图发动政变控制加拉加斯。虽然失败了,仍被视为民族英雄。1998年,查韦斯以56%的选票赢得了总统大选。他实施了重大的政治改革,将许多企业国有化。查韦斯把土地还给了委内瑞拉的穷苦人民,并实施了免费医疗服务和教育。查韦斯2013年8月因呼吸系统的问题病逝,享年58岁。查韦斯仍是南美的名人。 favour of 支持
  例句:He often pamphleteers and lectures in favour of free trade.
  2.Latin American integration 拉美一体化
  例句:Latin American integration process is accelerating and at the same time LatinAmerican countries' cooperation with other regional emerging powers is beingstrengthened.
  3.Bolivarianism 波利瓦尔主义
  例句:But his book will provide a valuable corrective to the more fanciful outpourings of Bolivarianism which can be expected in the bicentennial junketing.
  4.take control of 控制
  例句:While they reside there, they take control of our lives.