

Max: Chloe, this is definitely the place.
Chloe: Let me dig up some more clues here. Nope... Nothing, Max. There's nothing here. Just some shitty old barn.
Max: Let's keep searching and find out who owns this _(1)_ barn.
Chloe: I'm on this, hold on. Somebody named--"Harry Aaron Prescott."
Max: I'm shocked. Should we call the police?
Chloe: Fuck that. You know the police here are like Nathan's private security, right?
Max: That's so messed up...
Chloe: As you've noticed, this whole town is messed up. We can't trust anybody... Except each other. So we have to go out to that farmhouse by ourselves.
Max: I was afraid you'd say that. We could call Warren, since he kicked Nathan's ass...
Chloe: It's just the two of us. Nobody else. And I'm not scared at all. You have the power. I feel like we're this close to finding Rachel... We have to find her, Max.
Max: We will. But remember, _____(2)_____. We still have to be careful. Do you hear, Chloe?
Chloe: Yes, sir.
Max: Holy shit, this is scary.
Chloe: I know, but we're here. Let's go find the best way in.
Max: Whoa, check this out. Fresh tire tracks.
Chloe: Dude, somebody was just here.
Max: Then we need to get in that barn.
Max: Chloe! I found the front door! Come on!
Chloe: Oh yes! Maximus rules.
Max: God, this is way too Blair Witch... I have goose bumps all over.
Chloe: Come on. Super Max.
Max: Damn, this is _(3)_ ... 
Chloe: What is this?
Max: Jackpot. Do I even need to say how weird this is?
Chloe: You just did. Who builds this kind of place?
Max: A Prescott, of course.