
Hey, can I show you something?
These are White House passes.
Your dad has a job interview with the Secret Service.
No way!
It's really cool.
John Cale.
Why do you wanna be in the Secret Service?
I can't think of a more important job than protecting the President.
In college you barely maintained a C average.
You do not look at Agent Todd.
Special Agent Todd keeps making those sounds, I'll start looking at him.
Did you get the job?
Yeah, I think I got a shot.
You know how it is, they have to go talk amongst themselves.
If you're just tuning in, we are going to breaking news out of Washington.
This is John Cale.
I'm in the White House.
Alpha one, do you have the target?
Roger that, we're holding the president in the library.
So that's the library.
Don't go in there just.
Oh, this is so stupid.
Come here, Mr. President!
Go, go, go!
You should call SEAL Team Six and they'll come in here and get us.
We have a scramble sat phone in the residence.
Great, where is there?
Of course, it is...
By the way, John Cale.
James Sawyer.
Help is not coming.
You just need to get out of there.
My little girl is counting on me right now, and I'm not going to disappear on her.
It's gotta be a bigger plan.
Like what?
We got a one way to find out.
We gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go!
Damn right.
I lost a rocket launcher.
You lost?
How do you lose a rocket launcher?
Get your hands off my Jordans!
Shoot now!
No, don't shoot!