
I've never been to the Highlands before.
It's very romantic.
Are you a romantic?
He's a wonderful man. 
I've seen it.
But he's a mess.
I want to know what happened to Eric.
I don't believe in this code of silence that you have.
War leaves a mark.
This is the BBC.
When we surrendered the Japs said we weren't men.
Real man would die of shame.
You have no honor.
You're here to help us...
To build a railway.
If you help, you will have a good war.
But we said no.
We'll live to fight you.
We'll live for revenge.
He's alive?
He's alive and I know where he is.
He won't have a clue you're coming.
This what you're going to do, isn't it?
I'm afraid the museum is closed.
I'm surprised you didn't recognize me.
I am asking the questions...
You answer!
I did not expect you to be alive.
What did they do to you?
A lot of men went through something you can't imagine.
My husband isn't coping.
I love him.
And I want him back.
Will you stand by him, whatever he does?
I have to try.
I have suffered much.
But I know you have suffered too.
And you mean everything to me.
Sometime the hating has to stop.