
Why do you want to be a lobby boy?
Who wouldn't at the Grand Budapest, sir?
And so my life began.
Junior lobby boy in training under the strict commander Monsieur Gustave H..
Many of the Hotel's most valued and distinguished guests came for him.
I love you.
I love you.
___________1__________, by the way.
She was 84!
I've had older.
This was also when I met Agatha.
She is charming.
She's so charming.
Is he flirting with you?
I approve of this union.
I became his pupil, and he was to be my counselor and guardian.
The police are here.
Tell them I'll be right down.
She has been murdered and you think I did it.
Hey, stop!
You're looking so well, darling.
You really are.
I don't know _______________2_____________ but I want some.
This is Madame D.'s last will and testament.
"To Monsieur Gustave H., I bequeath the painting known as 'Boy with Apple'."
Who is Gustave H.?
I'm afraid that's me, darling.
If I learned you ever once laid a finger on my mother's body living or dead...
I go to bed with all of my friends.
We need to make a plan for your survival.
Hide this.
It's in code and you might need a magnifying glass to read it, but it tells you exactly where and how to find 'Boy with Apple'.
I'm a baker; I am not a fence if that's the term.
I want road blocks at every junction per 50 km
I want rail blocks at every train station per 100 km.
Get in!
I want 50 men and 10 bloodhounds ready in five minutes.
You can't arrest him simply because he's a bloody immigrant.
Take your hands off my lobby boy!
Have you ever been questioned by the authorities?
Yes, on one occasion.
For what?
I was arrested and tortured by the rebel militia after the desert uprising.
Right, well, ____________3___________!