
As Henry Altman waited in traffic, ___________1_________ to things he hated.
On his short list was also: dog crap, car alarms, ___________2_________, pigeons, men's cologne, greeting cards, flip-flops... and God.
What the hell? I've been waiting here for over two hours. You don't care, do you?
The results show a brain aneurysm.
- How long do I have? - I don't know.
How long? Give me a number. A number! A number!
I'm not leaving here until I get a number!
- Ninety - Ninety what? - Minutes!
What should I be doing?
- Henry? What's going on? - We have to have sex. Immediately.
- I don't have a lot of time. - We are not having sex.
- You're getting worse, you know that, right? That you're getting worse? - We've got a lot to do.
- Brooklyn Dance Academy. - Is Tommy there?
Take a message.
I need you to record me. Tommy, by the time you see this, I'll be dead.
- Cut! - What?
- How do I turn it on? - The record button.
We're throwing a get-together. I've sent you an email with the complete list.
- Twenty-five people? You know that's insane? - Get it done.
Henry! Henry!
- Where are the rest? - Hey, I'm here!
How hard is it to tell someone you love them?
The important thing is we find your brother and get him admitted to a hospital immediately.
Make sure that he remains calm, nothing that raises his blood pressure.
- Like... And you've met my brother? - Anger.
- I'm dying. - How much time they give you?
- Hour and a half. - Buddy, that sucks.
You told me I was gonna die in ninety minutes because your cat jumped out a window?!
This ought be interesting.
__________3__________? Are you trying to kill yourself?
- Do you even remember the last time we had sex? - Yeah, um...
I wish you were dead!
Well, it's your lucky day!