
Would you mind passing this to the girl with red hair?
You're sopping wet.
You notice that?
You're sopping wet!
Oh, you noticed, thank you.
Hey, Rigby. There's only one heart in this body. ______1_______.
Everyone starts out thinking this is forever, but then things get hard.
I can't do this anymore.
________2________. She's vanished.
None of us know how to help you.
Please, stop reminding me that something's wrong.
You look like hell.
Maybe she wants you to go after her.
No, she doesn't.
Wait a couple of days and go after it.
Shut up.
I need to try some other version of myself. ________3__________.
What was that?
Someplace good.
Would you still love me if I couldn't pay for dinner?
I'm going to leave first.
Run, run, run!
If you walk away from things, you start a whole history of walkaways.
Everything seems so limitless.
It still is.
You're the story of my life's story.
Where are we?
Someplace good.