上海和天津再次加码 新一轮楼市调控潮或来袭(在线收听

   Starting from last Tuesday first-time home buyers in Shanghai have to pay down payments of at least 35%, buyers of second houses have to make 50% down payments, while buyers of commercial properties pay 70%.

  Meanwhile, banks have raised interest rates by 10% for home buyers borrowing from the government's Housing Provident Fund for a second time, with the maximum sum lowered by 100,000 yuan.
  上海和天津再次加码 新一轮楼市调控潮或来袭
  Banks are also required to seriously check papers submitted by home buyers to guard against fabrication for speculative purposes. Home buyers will not be able to borrow if their monthly mortgage payment exceeds 40 percent of their salaries.
  Tianjin said last Monday that it'll implement diversified credit policies to cool a red-hot property market. For first-time home buyers the minimum down payment on a mortgage will be 30%, versus 20% earlier.
  Those who already own a house and have unpaid mortgages must make at least a 40% down payment when applying for commercial loans for second home.
  For non-local residents who plan to buy their first house in Tianjin's six major districts and Wuqing district, the minimum down payment on a mortgage will be 40%.