
While military success against violent extremists is essential to security, it isn't enough to ensure that the terrorist threat will not just regroup, reconstitute, and resurface in the future.

"At the heart of Countering Violent Extremism," said U.S. Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Sarah Sewall, "is the recognition that military defeat of today's terrorists is not sufficient to kill the ideology or address the broader factors needed to prevent new terrorists from emerging. In essence, CVE seeks to prevent the next generation of threats by helping the most vulnerable people and places resist terrorist recruitment and expansion."

One aspect of this approach is to promote good governance and halt state policies that fan radicalization to violence. When governments fail to protect their citizens and respect human rights, they breed anger and resentments that violent extremists exploit. Examples abound: Boko Haram gained traction after Nigerian security forces suppressed peaceful protests and executed the group's founder, Mohammed Yusuf, without trial. Al-Shabaab exploits heavy-handed tactics by Kenyan security forces to win over new recruits. And in Afghanistan, the Taliban rails against government corruption to replenish fighters each year. How governments treat their citizens has a profound impact on the scope of terrorist threats.

A second critical component of CVE is to build the resilience of vulnerable communities in which local leaders, parents, and peers know how to spot and address signs of terrorist radicalization; in which mentors or institutions can offer powerful counter-arguments or provide alternative paths for those at risk; where communities build such resilience, terrorists groups will struggle to find new followers and safe havens.

The U.S. supports networks of women and girls around the world, including in South Asia to act when they see signs of terrorist radicalization in their neighborhoods. The United States helped establish the Strong Cities Network to connect mayors and local leaders across the globe to exchange what works – and what doesn't – in stifling terrorist recruitment.

Even as Daesh is losing ground and fighters on the battlefield, it is critical to remember that preventing the next generation of terrorists is every bit as important as defeating the current threat.


“反抗暴力极端主义(CVE,Countering Violent Extremism),”美国国务院主管公民安全、民主和人权事务的副国务卿说道,“反映了当下这样的认知:如今对恐怖分子的军事打击不足以消除恐怖主义的意识形态,也不足以解决防止新恐怖分子重新浮现的其他必要因素。本质上说,反抗暴力极端主义是通过帮助最脆弱无力的人和地区抵御恐怖主义的征募和扩张,从而阻止来自下一代的其他威胁。”

反抗暴力极端主义一是提升有效管理,停止实施会将极端主义助长为暴力行为的国家政策。政府如果无法保护自己的市民并尊重人权的话,就会滋生暴力极端分子乐见的愤恨怨怼。这样的例子不可胜数:在尼日利亚安保部队多次镇压和平抗议并在未经审讯的情况下未处决了抗议群体创建者Mohammed Yusuf后,博科圣地就借此造势;伊斯兰青年党利用肯尼亚安保部队的暴力手段而赢得了新的成员;而阿富汗的塔利班组织每年都能通过谴责政府腐败的方式补充新的战士。(由此可见,)政府对待市民的方式对恐怖威胁范围的影响是深远的。



