美国国家公共电台 NPR One-Named Wonders(在线收听

One-Named Wonders

play pause stop mute unmute max volume 00:0003:57repeat repeat off Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. OPHIRA EISENBERG, HOST: 

Next we've got a trivia game called One-Named Wonders. I'm going to read you a sentence containing a bunch of words that have something in common. They're all one-word titles of songs performed by a one-named musician. Puzzle Guru Art Chung, give us an example.

ART CHUNG: So if I said, this Brit's daydreamer voice would be a good remedy should the sky fall, you'd answer Adele because "Daydreamer," "Remedy" and "Skyfall" are all one-word songs by the one-named artist Adele.

EISENBERG: OK, so buzz in to answer. Tarik, you won the last game, so if you win this, you go to the final round. Colleen, you need to win this, or you're toast.

COLLEEN CELSOR: Cheese toast.

EISENBERG: Cheese toast.


EISENBERG: Delicious. Here we go. A halo seems to grace this diva. Her fans still listen long after the formation of Destiny's Child.



CELSOR: Beyonce.

EISENBERG: That is right.


EISENBERG: This one-named singer's work includes many diamonds under a wide umbrella of collaborators.



CELSOR: Rihanna.

EISENBERG: Yes, exactly - Rihanna.


CELSOR: I know my ladies.

EISENBERG: Would you believe this woman with a sunny disposition is setting up off sirens in the decades since her variety show?




EISENBERG: Oh, yeah.


EISENBERG: This is your last clue. It's no secret why fans continue to cherish this talent whose music will always be in vogue.



KOC: Madonna.

EISENBERG: Yeah, Madonna is correct.


EISENBERG: All right. Puzzle Guru Art Chung, how did our contestants do?

CHUNG: We're all tied up in this game, so...


EISENBERG: Here is your tiebreaker question. If you've been alive these last few years, you should know this unstoppable singer who is now rich enough to buy herself any chandelier.


CHUNG: Colleen.


CHUNG: That is correct.


CHUNG: All right. We're tied one game apiece, so it's time for a quick game three. I'll give you a category, and you go back and forth naming things in that category. The first one to mess up by guessing incorrectly, repeating an answer or taking too long will be eliminated. Buzz in to answer first. Your category - name the nine most popular seasonal greeting card occasions as determined by units sold in the U.S. according to the Greeting Card Association trade group.


CHUNG: Tarik.

KOC: Valentine's Day.

CHUNG: That is correct. Number two, Colleen...

CELSOR: Mother's day.

CHUNG: Mother's Day is number three, correct. Tarik...

KOC: Christmas.

CHUNG: Christmas is number one - 1.6 billion cards. Colleen...

CELSOR: Thanksgiving.

CHUNG: Thanksgiving - number eight. Tarik...

KOC: Easter.

CHUNG: Easter is number six. Colleen...

CHUNG: Father's Day is number four. We have three more to go. Tarik...

KOC: Mother's Day.

CHUNG: Oh, you...

KOC: Oh, we already said that.

CHUNG: We said that already. I'm sorry.

KOC: Oh, no.

CHUNG: Tarik, I'm afraid we have to say goodbye to you. Congratulations, Colleen. You're moving on to the final round.


EISENBERG: It's settled. Our finalists are Andrea and Colleen. They'll face off in a final round at the end of the show. And not to sound like a broken record, but if you can hit the high notes when it comes to finely tuned trivia, come chime in and be a contestant. Go to amatickets.org. It's time to face the music.

Coming up, we have Director Ti West and actor James Ransone from the Western "In A Valley Of Violence." And we'll find out if they ASK ME ANOTHER stage is big enough for the both of them. I'm Ophira Eisenberg, and you're listening to ASK ME ANOTHER from NPR.


EISENBERG: Support for NPR comes from NPR member stations and from the Walton Family Foundation, working to prepare all students for a lifetime of opportunity by ensuring access to high quality K-12 choices. More information is available at waltonk-12.org. And the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation - working to improve the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people throughout the world. Learn more at hiltonfoundation.org.

