美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-12-04(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. President-elect Donald Trump says he will nominate retired marine General James Mattis to be Secretary of Defense. Trump made this announcement during an election victory rally in Cincinnati.  

2. At least 11 people are now known dead from the Tennessee wildfires. Wildfire first spread from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The park officials say the dry terrain and powerful winds made it virtually impossible to stop. 

3. Authorities in east of Des Moines, Iowa say the crash of a pickup truck into a Walmart appears to be an accident. The crash killed 3 people and injured the driver on Thursday morning. 

4. And researchers in Massachusetts demonstrated that a burning Christmas tree can light an entire room on fire in about a minute. Researchers are promoting holiday safety and stress the importance of watering Christmas trees every day. 

Sandy Kozel,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
