美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-12-26(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. The United State abstained United Nations vote, condemning Israel's settlement in the west bank. The move was greeted with a loud applause in the packed security council chamber. That will give the green light for the council to approve the resolution, condemning Israel by 14-0 vote. 

2. The Tunisian man suspected of a deadly attack on a Christmas market in Berlin was killed early Friday morning.  Anis Amri was shot by a Milan Italy police officer when he refused to show the ID passage. 

3. Russian president Vladimir Putin says there is nothing unusual in his comments on Donald Trump when the president-elect said he wanted to build an American arsenal. Putin made the comments in a 3.5 hour-long end of the year news conference in Moscow. 

4. And in Cleveland, police officers handed out $100 gift cards, given by an anonymous donor. Officers were instructed to give them away to anyone of their choice, as random at the kindness. 

Tom Ritchie, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
