新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第103课:如何节食减肥(在线收听

   Lesson 88 Explanations

  第88课 解释
  A:God, I'm a blimp! I've been pigging out all winter and now I've got to go on a diet. What do you think I should do?
  B:First thing is, you've got to change your bad eating habits.
  A:What do you mean?
  B:There are two things that you can do right away. The first thing is to change your diet. I think that you should become a vegetarian and start eating natural foods.
  A:That's easy. I already eat potato chips every day, especially the ones with tomato flavoring. Yummy!
  B:See, you've got it all wrong. You've got to stop eating junk food! No more chips,pop or candy bars! In other words, no more sugar, fat, oil or salt. Stay out of the comer store!
  A:But I can't control my appetite! When I see my favorite snack, I just freak out and stuff my mouth.
  B:I know it's not easy. Maybe it'll help if I give you some special recipes that you can use for your new diet.