英国学生科学读本 第36期:浑身是宝的绵羊(2)(在线收听

   In the front of its lower jaw there are eight sharp teeth for nipping. There are no teeth in its upper jaw opposite these, but there is a hard pad instead. At the back of its mouth the sheep has six teeth with flat tops on each side of each jaw. These are called grinders.

  The sheep does not use its two kinds of teeth at the same time. First it nips off the grass, and swallows it as quickly as possible. Now, the sheep has no fewer than four stomachs. The grass goes straight down into the first stomach. When this is full, the sheep lies down and begins to "chew the cud.
  The grass goes from the first stomach into a second stomach, where it is rolled up into balls, called "cuds. "Then these cuds come up one by one to the mouth, where they are slowly chewed by the flat grinding teeth.
  Then the grass is swallowed again, and passes through a third bag into the fourth or true stomach. The cow, the deer, and the goat "chew the cud" in just the same way as the sheep does.
  The male sheep is called a ram, and the female sheep a ewe. Young sheep are called lambs. The flesh of the sheep, called mutton, is very good for eating. Its fat is called suet, and is used for making candles and soap.
  公绵羊的英语叫ram,母绵羊的英语叫ewe,小羊羔叫lamb 。绵羊的肉,英语叫mutton,非常好吃。绵羊的油,英语叫suet ,可以用来制作蜡烛和肥皂。