英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0120 - 相亲节目“回锅肉”(在线收听

Topic 1-New rules grant schools no responsibility for students' safety outside campus
The city of Kunming has released a new set of regulations on student safety. One of the rules saying schools won't be responsible for students' safety on the way to and back from school has triggered mixed public reaction. Is this rule reasonable?
Topic 2-The love under the spotlight
In a recent blind dating TV show called, the Chinese Way of a Blind Date, viewers were surprised when a couple tied the knot in a previous blind dating show. But this time, the woman is rejected by her previous partner.
The younger generation is more willing to seek for their partners through blind dating shows. Are they doing it for fame, or for love?
Topic 3-Annoying commercial withdrawn from Chengdu subway trains
According to Chengdu Business Daily, the Chengdu Metro Corporation has taken down a TV commercial on subway trains. Some subway passengers complained the poor taste of the commercial is disturbing for the captive audience in subway carriages.
Should there be standards for advertisements when you have a captive audience?                         