双语有声阅读:"Hope" is the thing with feathers(在线收听

"Hope" is the thing with feathers - 
That perches in the soul - 
And sings the tune without the words - 
And never stops - at all - 
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - 
And sore must be the storm - 
That could abash the little Bird 
That kept so many warm - 
I've heard it in the chillest land - 
And on the strangest Sea - 
Yet, never, in Extremity, 
It asked a crumb - of Me. 
Hope never fails. Hope's survival is personified by Emily through a bird having feathers that lives in our soul eternally, regardless of gender or race. The bird sings inside us wordlessly and continuously. Thus it is being described as a universal fluffy feeling to all people at all times that we cannot put into words or understand, yet we can sense or appreciate its effect and significance; and one does not stop hoping all the time. 
Instead of judging us, the loyal bird, whose song of hope sounds sweetest in forceful winds, comforts and guides us along the way when we go through hardships and get sore in the storm that could abash it. It asks for nothing from us, no matter how extreme the condition is. Hope is a precious thing that can warm our heart and soul in the chillest land or the strangest sea. 
“希望”是带羽毛的东西 - 
栖息在灵魂里 - 
它唱着无词的乐曲 - 
永远不会 - 停息 - 
在狂风中 - 听来 - 最甜蜜 - 
暴风雨一定会失意 - 
它曾使许多人感到温暖可依 - 
我听到过它,在最寒冷之地 - 
最陌生的海域 - 
向我讨过一颗 - 面包粒。