【突破英文词汇】bene -- good mal -- evil(在线收听

1. benediction /ˌbenɪˈdɪkʃən/
-- (literally, "good saying") blessing; good wishes
Before begining his difficult journey, the young man visited his parents to receive their benediction.
2. malediction /ˌmælɪˈdɪkʃən/
-- (literally, "evil saying") curse
With her dying breath, Queen Dido pronounced a malediction on Aeneas and all his descendants.
3. benefactor /ˈbenəˌfæktə/
-- (literally, "one who does good") person who gives kindly aid, money or a similar benefit
The museum could not have been bulit without the gift of a million dollars by a wealthy benefactor.
4. malefactor /ˈmælifæktə/
-- (literally, "one who does evil") offender; evildoer; criminal
Shortly after the crime, the malefactor was apprehended and turned over to the police.
5. beneficiary /ˌbenəˈfɪʃi:ˌeri:/
-- person receiving some good, advantage or benefit
The sick and the needy will be the beneficiaries of your gift to the community fund.
6. malice /ˈmælis/
-- ill will; attention or desire to harm another; enmity; malevolence
I suspect Ronnie tripped me so that I wouldn't be able to play tomorrow. He did it not as a joke but out of malice.
7. malnutrition /ˈmælnjuˈtriʃən/
-- bad or faulty nutrition; poor nourishment
The lack of milk and fresh vegetables in the child's diet was responsible for his malnutrition.
8. maltreat /mælˈtri:t/
-- treat badly or roughly; mistreat; abuse
Two news photographers were attacked by the mob and their cameras were smashed. It is disgraceful that they were so mistreated.
9. beneficial /ˌbeniˈfiʃəl/
-- productive of good; helpful; advantageous
Rest is usually beneficial to a person suferring from a bad cold.
10. benevolent /biˈnevələnt/
-- (literally, "wishing well") disposed to promote the welfare of others; kind; charitable
A benevolent employer has a sincere interest in the welfare of his employees.
11. malevolent /məˈlevələnt/
-- (literally, "wishing ill") showing ill will; spiteful
I have heard some malevolent misrepresentation of her.
12. maladjusted /ˈmæləˈdʒʌstid/
-- badly adjusted; out of harmony with one's environment
Carlo was maleadjusted in the early grades, not because of poor intelligence but because he couldn't speak English.