

  古板、常规化的设计节目rigid and old-fashioned program design
  艰巨任务daunting task
  变得突出loom large (问题等)日益凸显;
  初次登场,亮相make one's debut
  保留观点retain perspectives
  在一个著名的高等学府at a great seat of learning
  详细阐释expatiate upon
  安排会议tee up the meeting
  适得其反的措施self-defeating measures
  一系列挑战the array of challenge
  引用中国的一句古话quote the Chinese ancient adage
  虚拟2010世博会virtual Expo 2010
  《文化交流惊解备忘录》Memorandum of Understanding on Cultural Exchange
  以惊人的速度发展develop at a breathtaking pace
  物质主义的魅力lure of materialism
  令人振奋的时刻uplifting moments
  久经考验的友谊time-tested friendship
  令人激动的主体演讲provocative keynotes
  北京图书信息中心Book Information Centre in Beijing
  超级畅销的书mega-selling books
  给一个概要give a brief rundown
  驻华大使Ambassador to China
  值得保护be worthy of preservation
  伦敦皇家歌剧院Royal Opera House in London
  中国文化部外联局Foreign Liaison Bureau of Ministry of Culture
  对抗全球化潮流(对本地文化)的蚕食against the ever-encroaching tide of globalization
  固执的;顽固的be wrongheaded
  坚持;不改变主张stand pat
  估量形势take stock of the situation
  世界的中心world's center of gravity