
forgiveness [fə'givnis] n. 谅解,宽容
understanding [ˌʌndə'stændiŋ] n. 理解
blending of sea and sky 海天相接
the softly faded essential blue 柔和渐褪的牛仔蓝色
essential [i'senʃəl]  adj. 本质的
well-worn adj. 穿旧了的
pants [pænts] n. 长裤
on purpose ['pə:pəs]  故意地
Carmen: [旁白] 
Sometimes I'd like to think that the pants got lost on purpose, that this was their final gift to us, bringing us back together, back to a place of forgiveness and love and an understanding that what we shared was all the magic we could ever need. And as we spent those last few moments of summer, looking our at the blending of sea and sky, I realized it was a color I know very well- the softly faded essential blue of a well-worn pair of pants. The pants have brought us together again. The rest...was in our hands.