美国学生人类历史 第84期:罗马和迦太基(12)(在线收听

   He had defeated the Roman army of Scipio on the banks of the Rhone and he had guided his army safely across the mountain passes of theAlps although it was October and the roads were thickly covered with snow and ice. Then he had joined forces with the Gauls and together they had defeated a second Roman army just before they crossed the Trebia and laid siege to Placentia, the northern terminus of the road which connected Rome with the province of the Alpine districts.

  The Senate, surprised but calm and energetic as usual, hushed up the news of these many defeats and sent two fresh armies to stop the invader. Hannibal managed to surprise these troops on a narrow road along the shores of the Trasimene Lake and there he killed all the Roman officers and most of their men. This time there was a panic among the people of Rome, but the Senate kept its nerve. A third army was organised and the command was given to Quintus Fabius Maximus with full power to act "as was necessary to save the state."
  元老院大吃一惊,表面却不流露出来,依旧像平常那样冷静而精力充沛地工作着。他们隐瞒罗马军队接连失败的消息,又派遣了两支新装备的军队去阻击汉尼拔。在特拉美诺湖边的狭窄道路上,精于用兵的汉尼拔突然率军杀出,扑向罗马援军。阵脚大乱的罗马军队拼死抵挡,无奈汉尼拔已经占得先机。特拉美诺湖一役,所有的罗马军官和大部分士兵战死沙场。这一回,罗马人再也坐不住了,他们议论纷纷、惊恐难安,只有元老院还在强作镇定。第三支军队被组织起来,交 由费边·马克西墨斯统领,并授予他"视拯救国家的需要",采取行动的全权。
  Fabius knew that he must be very careful lest all be lost. His raw and untrained men, the last available soldiers, were no match for Hannibal's veterans. He refused to accept battle but forever he followed Hannibal, destroyed everything eatable, destroyed the roads, attacked small detachments and generally weakened the morale of the Carthaginian troops by a most distressing and annoying form of guerilla warfare.
  Such methods however did not satisfy the fearsome crowds who had found safety behind the walls of Rome.