
   节约、谨慎、唠叨、乐于工作。 处女夫人大都为完美主义者,她想要的一切往往都是最好的,因此常被赋予“挑剔”或“八婆”等负面的评价。事实上,她那洁癖、节俭的美德,更该值得大书特书、多多给予正面的掌声才对ㄚ!

  The Virgo Wife
  August 24 to September 23
  Contrary to all the analysis of Virgo the woman, when she does marry she makes an excellent wife. That is, in certain respects. Her concept wife. That is, in certain respects. Her concept of marriage is the legal partnership idea, to be carried out as a smoothly-running business. She is usually capable, and arranges her housekeeping routine perfectly. The home is spotless, (everything seems to remain new), and the cooking excellent, she is vigilant and efficient—in fact she is everything that can make a home run like a well regulated machine. There is no such thing as waste or neglect in her home, for, the wife is, as they say, “on the job.”
  Her disposition is not so good. Perhaps all of this routine is a strain, even when the nature is attuned to it. In any case, the Virgo wife is apt to be fussy, nagging, meticulous to a fault, and all of this regarding the most material matters, usually the running of this home that is nursed so tenderly. The Virgo wife guards the family purse jealously; in extreme cases she is very stingy, and in all of her responses to life she shows the is very same parsimonious attitude.
  Emotionally this type of woman is often way below par. She responds to all of the outward routines of life, and meets traditional duties extraordinarily well. But the spiritual companionship and emotional ecstasy so necessary in a wife is more often than not entirely absent. She has in her make-up a selfish coldness that resents demands for more personal warmth; much as if such qualities, if she had them, would never be shared with anyone. It is doubtful if the Virgo wife ever recovers from her maiden beliefs that sex is base, and that she is descending when she accedes to her husband‘s physical necessities. A very clever man, who was deeply in love might alter this frame of mind, but since the Virgo woman seldom inspires that intensity of passion, her best hope is for a mate as restrained, practical and material as herself. In such an environment she makes a very successful wife.