美国学生人类历史 第95期:罗马帝国的故事(5)(在线收听

   He began his campaign for world-domination with the murder of all Roman citizens who happened to be in Asia Minor, men, women and children. Such an act, of course, meant war. The Senate equipped an army to march against the King of Pontus and punish him for his crime. But who was to be commander-in-chief? "Sulla," said the Senate, "because he is Consul.""Marius," said the mob, "because he has been Consul five times and because he is the champion of our rights."

  Possession is nine points of the law. Sulla happened to be in actual command of the army. He went west to defeat Mithridates and Marius fled to Africa. There he waited until he heard that Sulla had crossed into Asia. He then returned to Italy, gathered a motley crew of malcontents, marched on Rome and entered the city with his professional highwaymen, spent five days and five nights, slaughtering the enemies of the Senatorial party, got himself elected Consul and promptly died from the excitement of the last fortnight.
  There followed four years of disorder. Then Sulla, having defeated Mithridates, announced that he was ready to return to Rome and settle a few old scores of his own. He was as good as his word. For weeks his soldiers were busy executing those of their fellow citizens who were suspected of democratic sympathies. One day they got hold of a young fellow who had been often seen in the company of Marius. They were going to hang him when some one interfered. "The boy is too young," he said, and they let him go. His name was Julius Caesar. You shall meet him again on the next page.
  接下来的4年里,罗马一直处于混乱状态。此时,苏拉打垮了米特拉达特斯,声言已准备好回罗马来了结一些个人恩怨。他确实言出必行。一连好几个星期,他的士兵起劲地屠杀 自己的同胞,只要是被怀疑同情民主 改革的人他们都不放过。一天,他们抓住一个常常陪同马略出人的年轻人,准备将他吊死。这时有旁人说,"饶了他吧!这孩子还太小。"于是士兵放过了他。这位逃过一劫的年轻人名叫裘利斯·恺撒,我们下面马上会讲到他。