美国学生人类历史 第96期:罗马帝国的故事(6)(在线收听

   As for Sulla, he became "Dictator," which meant sole and supreme ruler of all the Roman possessions. He ruled Rome for four years, and he died quietly in his bed, having spent the last year of his life tenderly raising his cabbages, as was the custom of so many Romans who had spent a lifetime killing their fellow-men.

  至于苏拉,他当了"独裁 官",意思就是罗马帝国及其全部财产、属地的唯一而至高的统治者。他在位4年后退休,安详地死于卧榻。像许多一辈子屠杀自己同胞的罗马人一样,他的晚年安闲适意,把大部分的时间花在了浇花种菜上。
  But conditions did not grow better. On the contrary, they grew worse. Another general, Gneus Pompeius, or Pompey, a close friend of Sulla, went east to renew the war against the ever troublesome Mithridates. He drove that energetic potentate into the mountains where Mithridates took poison and killed himself, well knowing what fate awaited him as a Roman captive. Next he re-established the authority of Rome over Syria, destroyed Jerusalem, roamed through western Asia, trying to revive the myth of Alexander the Great, and at last (in the year 62) returned to Rome with a dozen ship-loads of defeated Kings and Princes and Generals, all of whom were forced to march in the triumphal procession of this enormously popular Roman who presented his city with the sum of forty million dollars in plunder.
  It was necessary that the government of Rome be placed in the hands of a strong man. Only a few months before, the town had almost fallen into the hands of a good-for-nothing young aristocrat by the name of Catiline, who had gambled away his money and hoped to reimburse himself for his losses by a little plundering.
  现在,罗马确实需要一位政治强人来统治。仅仅在几个月前,罗马城险些落人一个一无是处的年轻贵族之手。此人名叫卡梯林,因赌博 输光了家产。他妄图发动政变,以便趁火打劫,捞一笔钱来弥补自己的损失。