美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-03-08(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. President Donald Trump has signed a new revised travel ban. It temporarily holds entry to the U.S for people from 6 Muslim majority nations or seeking new VISAs. And it also suspends the nation's refugee program. The new director aims to address legal issues with the original order. 

2. The United Nations is calling on North Korea's leadership to refrain from further provocation from launching ballistic missiles. The U.N says the latest test launches are violation of security council resolutions and North Korea must return to full compliance with international obligations. 

3. Thousands of Chickens have been destroyed at a Tennessee Chicken farm due to a bird flu outbreak. And the 30 other farms within a 6-mile radius has been quarantined. The Tennessee department of agriculture declined to name the breeder. But they are a known supplier for Tyson foods. 

4. And a sea turtle in Thailand is recovering after surgery to remove a bank  ball full of coins from the animal stomach. The female green turtle nickname "Bank" has snap up almost thousands of coins thrown into her pool over many years. 

Suzanne Yee Gaffney,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute. 
