美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-03-09(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. WikiLeaks has published more than 8,000 documents purportedly taken from the Central Intelligence Agency. The group founded by Julian Assange says documents it obtained showed the CIA collecting information on tech gadget like smart phones. WikiLeaks also claims Samsung smart TVs are among the CA’s weapons for surveillance. 

2. In Washington, demonstrators rallied against President Donald Trump’s new immigration order. The revised travel ban has passed 6 Muslim majority countries. Trump’s administration argues it will protect US from radical Islamic terrorists. Protesters say it’s a form of Islamophobia. 

3. From Oklahoma to Wisconsin, residents are recovering from a massive winter storms. Tornados tore through Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, and Illinois. Forecasters say parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama could see severe thunderstorms on Tuesday. 

4. And a big surprise for White House visitors, President Donald Trump marked the first day of White House tours open during his presidency by greeting a group of tourists, waving a young boy he told everyone to quote “Work Hard”. 

Emily Roseman,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
