美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-03-03(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. Strong storms with the reports of tornadoes touched down in Missouri and Illinois, creating massive damage to home. In Missouri, one person was killed when an apparent tornado ripped through Perry county. While in Illinois, two were killed after twisters spawned by a powerful storm system moved through the central U.S.

2. Montana representative Ryan Zinke won the senate confirmation Wednesday, as president Donald Trump's interior secretary, giving him responsibility for overseeing the nation's 400 million acres of public land. The senate approved the nomination 68-31.

3. The Taliban is claiming responsibility for a suicide bombing that struck the Afghan capital Kabul on Wednesday. The bomber targeted the gates of a police station, as part of a coordinated attack. The explosion was fought by a gun battle between policemen and an unknown member of attackers. Officials say more than a dozen have died and at least 100 have been wounded.

4. And officials say after a mild winter and recent warmer weather, the peak bloom for Washington's Cherry blossom could be just two weeks away. Officials announced Wednesday that peak bloom is expected between Mar,15th and Mar,17th.

Emily Roseman, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
