创业成功人士访谈录 第29期:皮埃尔奥米迪亚(4)(在线收听

   Did you pass gym?

  Good question. I don’t know if I failed gym or not. I don’t think I failed.
  好问题。我也不知道我的体 育成绩是否及格了。我想应该及格了。
  It sounds like even then you were kind of entrepreneurial.
  I always kind of just went ahead and tried things and one of the things I learned later you know, more kind of professionally—is that a lot of people don’t just go ahead and try things.
  我经常会提前做一些事情, 提前尝试我之后会学到的东西一你知道,有点更专业性,很多人并不会提前去作一些尝试。
  They’ll have an idea and they’ll say—they’ll convince themselves or other people will convince them that it can’t be done.
  You know, one or the other. Actually I think that the first is even more dangerous and more serious.
  It’s convincing yourself that it can’t be done.
  And I never learned that for some reason, so I just kind of had this naive approach to~well, gee, you know, why not. I’ll just go ahead and do it.
  We’ve read that early in high school that you wrote a program to print catalogue cards at six bucks an hour. Was that your start?
  That was my professional debut. Six bucks an hour.
  And it’s funny too, thinking about it, because it was using computer technology to print out library cards for the card catalogue. And so all it was, was a program to just format.
  想起来也很有趣。因为那是用电脑技术去给卡片目录 印刷图书卡片,就是排版程序而已。
  You know, somebody would type in the information and it would format it the way the librarian wanted, so they could put the cards into the card catalogue.
  你知道,有些人输入一些数据,就会像图 书管理人员希望的那样排版,这样他们 就可以把这些卡片放入卡片目录了。
  So this is incredibly basic computer technology.
  This is no database there. No search engine, nothing like that.
  But yeah, six dollars an hour. And also, at that time I also worked on the software to help schedule classes, which was key.
  This was in high school at tenth or 11th grade, I think, when I was working on that, and I resisted the temptation to put in some code in there to make sure I never had classes on Friday,
  那时我是高中10年级 或是11年级,正在编课表。我禁受住了诱惑,没有通过一些编码的操作来保证自己星期五的时候不用上课,
  because I wouldn’t have been able to get away with it, but I thought about it.