创业成功人士访谈录 第33期:开源模式将会继续成长(3)(在线收听

   If there was one lesson to be learned when growing the Drupal project, it is that you have to listen to your users.

  如 果说Drupal项目在成长中有过教训的话,那就是,你一定要倾听用户的需求,
  At Acquia we are doing exactly that. We are talking to a lot of Drupal users and we will act on what we hear.
  The open source model has given rise to an Utopian environment for us consumers,
  in that the net result of projects like Drupal is insanely powerful and revolutionary products which we can get for free.
  Will this situation persist, do you think? Is open source too powerful a development model to be stopped, or will it somehow implode on itself?
  Open Source is here to stay and grow.
  Everyone should take the time understand the permanent and profound changes that Open Source is bringing to the marketplace.
  Open Source succeeds because Open Source offers a fundamentally better value proposition for users and customers.
  With closed source software, the vendors are in charge. With Open Source software, the users are in charge.
  If you are unhappy with your Open Source vendor, you take your source and you go to another vendor or you make the necessary improvements yourself.
  Do you ever worry that you will never get your just financial rewards?
  You laid the foundation for an incredible product, one that other people are making a lot of money out of.
  In any other era you would already have made a fortune out of it...
  if, say, the year was 1908 instead of 2008 and you had built a hot new automobile or a great rail innovation. It somehow seems unfair?
  Thousands of people have contributed to Drupal in numerous ways.
  成千上万的人以各种方式为 Drupal做贡献。